April 2020: How Can I Prepare My Young Adult to “Rejoin” Life After the Crisis?

How Can I Prepare My Young Adult to “Rejoin” Life After the Crisis?

By Eileen Der Aris, Certified Life Coach for Young Adults

Like many people, I have been quiet for several weeks. I needed to figure out how I want to show up as a life coach during these times. How can my services be beneficial to young adults during this challenging time in life? So, it’s time to be really honest here. I’ve been having a bit of a tough time. In addition to just being stuck in my house, my routine is out of whack. I like structure, and when that happens, it’s hard for me to refocus and start again. So, what did I do next? Probably what a lot of you and your young adults are doing. I am watching what others are creating on social media and comparing myself to them! How come I am not accomplishing what they are? What do I write in a newsletter? What kind of posts should I put up? Which type of opportunities should I be offering? We talk about the young adults being so affected by social media, but here I am, a middle-aged woman, and a life coach to boot, and I’m doing the same thing. THIS is when I put on my “life coach hat” and got down to business.

What I needed to do is reflect on everything that I’m gaining from this new life experience. I wanted to identify a silver lining so I could move forward. For me, it is definitely spending more time with my family! We decide together what to cook and eat together every night. Additionally, our dog is getting up in years and not doing so well. We all agreed that we are grateful to be able to spend more time with him. Finally, I needed to be kinder to myself. These are unprecedented times. There is no normal, and there is no right or wrong. Once I became more compassionate with myself, interestingly, I had a lot more motivation and energy. One action created a momentum, which in turn created more movement! I took one small step in that direction, and it helped me get right back on track to do the thing that I do best: helping people.

Most of us are finding our temporary new way of life a bit challenging. For young adults, it’s even more confusing. Many of them are about to experience new transitions in life. As parents, we may feel just as confused as they are, especially during these uncertain times. For example, “what will happen to my son who is in his senior in high school? Will he graduate, and will his freshman year actually begin in August? How will I help him if it doesn’t?” Our young adults are disappointed about not being able to go to the prom, taking online classes that don’t even feel legit, and wondering if studying abroad will ever be a possibility. They are anxious if their internships for the summer will take place, and if they can get jobs when they graduate. Most of all, they want to know how long they will be stuck in the house with their families while away from their once active social lives. Young adults were already so stressed about all these things going on in their lives, and now they have the uncertainty of the COVID 19; it makes their concerns even more challenging. What so many parents are wondering now is how can I help my young adult be prepared to re-join life??

Just as many people are using this free time to spend more time with family, do jigsaw puzzles, bake, watch movies and read, many people are also using this as an opportunity for self-reflection, just as I did. That is when I understood exactly how I could help! Now is the perfect time for our young adults to learn more about themselves so they can be armed to make all these ambitious decisions, like, “Who the heck am I, and what do I want? How do I become more confident? How can I be prepared to go to college? How can I become more organized? How can I communicate better with my friends and family?” “How can I just feel “unstuck??” How do I get out of my own way so I could figure out what I want to do next?” Working with a life coach is typically done over the phone or virtually, so when could be a more perfect time to prepare for these life-changing events than NOW? 

With everyone feeling the pressures of life’s uncertainty, I am offering a limited opportunity for young adults who are looking to worry less and make a plan to set themselves up to be ready for whatever comes next.

This opportunity will include FOUR 50 Minute 1:1 sessions

for $392- a 10% discount

on the 4 week package, called, A Sense of Purpose and Practice.  This package gives the client a “taste of coaching” to determine goals and make some changes without a long-term commitment.

Thank you for giving me the privilege to help you and your young adults.  I know I had some off days, but I “walked my talk,” and I look forward to continuing to help others.

Be safe and be well.

With Warmth and Respect,


Eileen Der Aris, MS, Ed, CPC, ELI-MP

Rising Adults Coaching
Certified Life Coach for Young Adults

The "Time to Get Clarity" Session

Navigating the twists and turns of parenting a young adult can be overwhelming. Sometimes as parents, we are too close to the situation and may not be able to see the true causes of problems or recognize their solutions. If you ever wanted to speak to someone regarding parenting your young adult during these challenging years, free of charge (THE TIME TO GET CLARITY SESSION is valued at $150), now is your chance!

Throughout this session, you will have the opportunity to have your questions answered by a certified life coach specializing in young adults and learn strategies of how to communicate better with your family. We will clarify exactly where your young adult is now and hoping to be in their future and talk about the proven plan I use so they can improve their situation as soon as possible. Because I personally hold these calls, spaces are limited, so if you’d like a free session with me while spots are still open, click below now.

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